Conventional Route

What is Conventional Route

Island.js uses a file system routing, and the file path of the page will be simply mapped as a routing path, which will make the routing of the entire project very intuitive.

For example, if you have a file named in the docs directory, then the routing path of this file will be /foo.

Mapping Rules

Island.js will automatically scan the root directory and all subdirectories, and map the file path to the routing path. For example, if you have following file structure:

├── foo
│   └──

In previous getting-started project, the start script is island dev docs, so the root directory is docs.

Then the routing path of will be /foo/bar, and the routing path of will be /foo.

The specific mapping rules are as follows:

File pathRouting path

Custom Behavior

If you want to customize the routing behavior, you can use the route field in the root config. For example:

import { defineConfig } from 'islandjs';

export default defineConfig({
  route: {
    // These files will be excluded from the routing (support glob pattern)
    exclude: ['custom.tsx', 'component/**/*']
    // These files will be included in the routing (support glob pattern)
    include: ['other-dir/**/*'],

You can see more details in Config Extension.