Doc Page

The Island.js default theme has an built-in doc page.You can configure the its components by the following ways:

Refer to the left sidebar.You can configure the sidebar in the front matter of the body page:

sidebar: false

The value of sidebar is a boolean value, if false, the sidebar will not be shown.


Disable Outline

Outline information will be presented in the right sidebar, you can configure the outline information in the front matter of the body page:

outline: false

The value of outline is a boolean value, if false, outline information won't be displayed.

Outline Title Config

You can configure the title of the outline by themeConfig.outlineTitle:

import { defineConfig } from 'islandjs';

export default defineConfig({
  themeConfig: {
    outlineTitle: 'ON THIS PAGE'

Prev/Next Page

You can configure the previous page text by themeConfig.prevPageText or themeConfig.nextPageText:

import { defineConfig } from 'islandjs';

export default defineConfig({
  themeConfig: {
    prevPageText: 'Previous Page',
    nextPageText: 'Next Page'

You can configure the edit link by themeConfig.editLink:

import { defineConfig } from 'islandjs';

export default defineConfig({
  themeConfig: {
    editLink: {
      text: 'Edit this page on GitHub',
      pattern: ''

Last Updated Text

You can configure the last updated text by themeConfig.lastUpdatedText:

import { defineConfig } from 'islandjs';

export default defineConfig({
  themeConfig: {
    lastUpdatedText: 'Last Updated'